July Issue of Letters From Home

Dear Friend I hope you’re thriving despite this heat wave. The humidity and relentless high temperatures have drained all the energy out of me the last few days; it even (miraculously!) took a little out of my boys. Even so, we’ve been enjoying these high-summer days. Family came for a visit this month and the…

In Search Of Peace

Reading through my news-feed most mornings lately makes me want to cry or go back to bed or both. Shootings, military coups—or rumors of military coups, terrorist attacks, militant protests, race riots, violence, anger and hatred. And that’s just the early news. I look at my little boys sitting at the dining room table coloring…

Book Review: Forgotten God

Anyone who knows me well, knows that I truly do prefer fiction to non-fiction. When those precious moments of free-time come around, I would much rather escape to some exciting time or place than spend time combing through the tedium of reality. (Believe me, as a mother of two little boys, I get my fill…

Raspberry-Blueberry Scones

This lovely recipe is one I picked up a few years ago from the Gingercreek Cooking School. I pull it out from time to time when I have guests–it’s easy and especially good when you have a spare pint of fresh-picked berries in your refrigerator!